Of Counsel Saba Husain Speaks out against Trump's Muslim Ban at the Office of Local Congressiona

I am proud to note that Saba Husain, who is "of counsel" to my firm and works on immigration cases with me, has defended her local Muslim community in a demonstration before the offices of Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen, urging the Republican to speak out more strongly against the Muslim ban ordered by Pres. Trump (and subsequently overturned by the federal courts).
Her words speak for themselves and can be found at Morris mosque members join weekly protest at Frelinghuysen office in Morristown, READ HERE
On Monday, [January 30, 2017] Frelinghuysen issued this statement:
“As part of his strategy to make the safety and security of the American people his top priority, President Trump believes a pause in immigration from unstable regions is warranted. However, this weekend’s confusion is an indication that the details of this executive order were not properly scrutinized. Among others, reconsideration should be given to courageous individuals who served as interpreters for our military and properly vetted refugees. Congress has important oversight responsibilities over all executive orders, which we intend to exercise.”
That did not satisfy Saba Hussain, a lawyer in Morristown and member of the mosque, who was among demonstrators who filed into Frelinghuysen’s office on Friday, 15 people at a time, to voice their concerns.
“We want him to condemn this and call it out for what it is. It’s a Muslim ban. It discriminates against us. He needs to be more forceful,” Hussain said.
“He needs to support us. All of us voted for him. He came to our mosque in Boonton. We support the Congressman. We like him. We’re Americans. We love the country. Now it’s his turn to support us, and speak up for us,” the lawyer said.
Saba can also be seen in a YouTube video posted on NJ.com as part of the editorial
See her comment in the video.
As immigration lawyers we are normally reluctant to take "political" stands on immigration issues unless they touch on our clients' most vital interests. This is just such a case. I applaud Saba for putting herself in the public eye and speaking out against Trump's illegal executive order. Her advocacy is the essence of what democracy in this country should be.
Brian O'Neill, O'Neill Law Firm